League-of-legends – What counters a jungle Olaf


If you've ever been against a good jungle Olaf, you probably know how devastating he can be… his clear speed is insane with blue and his ganks are annoyingly strong if he lands his first Q, which if you go too far to dodge you'll be worse off than having been hit. So… what are some ways to counter him? As a mid laner? As a jungler?

Best Answer

He simply is strong. Its like saying "what counters a shyvana jungle". well... nothing. His ganks are strong. Ward correctly and push out (its really hard to gank for a olaf if the lane is pushed, cause if he comes form behind and throws a axe, he has to run past you to pick it up -> easy escape), or alternativly freeze the lane as long as possible, since Olaf is strongest in the early- mid game phase (first 4-5 lvls). Dont invade, he will destroy you. As mid or jungler, ward your own jungle entrances, if he trys to counterjungle get him with 3-4 people. Since most Olafs take Ghost, he is actually fairly easy to kill if you "find" him in your jungle, since he cant just flash over a wall. If you know the enemy is jungling Olaf in champ select, pick Champs that have early escape or high mobility champs in general (Ahri, Gragas, Galio for mid, Shyvana, Lee Sin, Noc for jungle) and just avoid fighting him in the early lvls.

EDIT: Jungle Olaf is REALLY blue dependend. Means after lvl 7, he is not that big of an problem anymore. If you have a really really strong lvl 1 setup, you can invade and get his blue, resulting in him beeing weaker through the rest of the game. Dont try this if your lvl 1 isnt really good, cause Olaf himself is a beast lvl 1, spammable, 2 sec cd aoe nuke with his Axe will win him nearly every lvl 1 fight.