League-of-legends – What are some effective ways to last hit better


There are times, especially AD bot, when I think I am doing very well, hit Tab, and see that top lane has more CS than me. I usually hit around 150~ by the 20 minute mark, but I know I should be hitting a bit more.

How can I improve? How and when should I freeze the lane, and when should I push?

Best Answer

I've hit 95 minions at the 10 minute mark quite a few times while harassing, the way I do this is: of course you understand s stops you from moving or auto-attacking, press a and click on the minion before it dies.

People don't tend to watch when they are fighting that minions are dying, if you're not able to hit your opponent - for example, he got too far away - then it's best to go straight back to minion farming, instead of chasing when he has already gotten away. Doing this saves you 3-4 minions a fight - if you're the one living.

Also when 2 minions are dying at the same speed, take the health of 1 of them down a little more so you won't miss the other.

Other then that there really isn't much to say, well placed wards so you dont get ganked so when you're pushed up you still can farm perfectly fine.

Minions over harass ends up being a better late game strategy, unless it's fatal harassment that will make the bottom lose more than you would.