League-of-legends – What are the advantages/disadvantages of having high mouse sensitivity in Moba games when playing skill-shot based characters


I play a lot of league of legends and I watch streams, Game-plays, LCS, etc, trying to improve and learn more. In one of the last games they talked about mouse sensitivity and how you could move across the map faster (not your champion just your view) with a high mouse sensitivity. Now I know if I were to increase my own settings it would take a while to get use to most probably so my question will be in three parts.

  1. What advantage can I gain (aside from being able to see more of the map without losing sight of my lane) by increasing my own mouse sensitivity.

  2. What disadvantage would I suffer if I did. Finally How can I go

  3. about adjusting to the increased sensitivity.

My mouse is a gamer mouse just want to point that out a Headshot v8 activated gaming mouse to be exact. Like I said though after the conversation they had I'm starting to feel like I am not making the most out of it.

Best Answer

Well it's pretty simple:

You are faster (Watch the mouse movements of Wildturtle for example)
The cool thing is: The faster you move your mouse, the better your overview of the game is. You can basically "scout" The whole map with a fast mouse and then just hit space again to focus back on your character in under a second (you have to be able to realise what's going on in such a short amount of time though)

Of course it's not just like "Hey i'm gonna increase my mouse speed and then I'll reach diamond". That's where the second point you're asking is important:

The biggest disadvantage is you will play awful if you aren't used to it. You will missclick all the time and you will move your cursor too far if you have a sensitivity that is too high. It's also something that you can't learn in a short amount of time. If you want to go up for 1000 DPI it can really take a while (weeks maybe even months depending on how fast you get used to it). Also for practicing with increased mouse speed I wouldn't recommend MOBAs but Shooters or Games that require a high accuracy and speed (Osu is a great game for increasing mouse speed but usually shooters are more fun to play). Of course you can also practice it in League or other MOBAs.

I recommend going up only for about a maximum of 10% of your current speed at a time. Mistakes won't happen that often (they might still be game changing). And don't get frustrated if you make mistakes. It's completely normal and as already mentioned it's really hard to improve your mouse speed.