League-of-legends – Why is the marksman bot so firmly entrenched in the meta


League changes a lot from patch to patch. If I watch Spring Split games now, the champion picks are virtually unrecognizable in today's meta. While some aspects of the meta remain constant – such as top laners being generally safe champs, whether that means escape tools, survivability, or CC – there's generally a lot of variety. In the first three weeks of the EU LCS Summer Split alone, we saw Maokai, Gnar, Rumble, Hecarim, Jax, Ryze, Gragas, Cho'Gath, Nocturne, Fizz, Dr Mundo, Ekko, Renekton, Vladimir, and Shyvana: mages, assassins, tanks, fighters, all are welcome.

But there's one absolute rule of team comps: you must have a marksman in the bottom lane. I know of exactly one professional game since I started playing a year ago that did not follow this rule, and in that game it was a Yasuo that took the position.

What makes the bottom-lane role so specific? The other members of a team all perform different roles: a top laner could be a teamfight initiator and front-line tank like Maokai, or it could be a straightforward carry like Quinn. A mid laner can be an assassin like Zed, a poke machine like Varus, a utility mage like Orianna, or even a fighter like Diana. But for some reason, we must must must have a bottom lane marksman on every team (and marksman are arguably the most homogenous group of champions).

I understand that the point of having two people bot is to make it easier to contest dragon. But that hardly requires a marksman.

Despite my over-emphasis of professional play above, I'm not just talking about the LCS – also about the game as played by us normals.

Best Answer

In the current professional meta of lane swaps, you'll notice that marksmen are not always in the bot lane. I would say its even rare these days to see a normal 2v2 matchup in the bottom lane.

The reason it used be the meta to always have a marksman bot was a mixture of dragon control and needing to have a support. If marksmen didn't have supports, they would get destroyed in lane. So now we have a two man lane, but where to put them? Put them bot for dragon control to get the most of committing two people to a lane. It's not that dragon control requires a marksman, but that marksmen need a support.

Why a marksman? They fill the role of constant DPS. Without a threat of constant DPS, sustain tanks like Mundo would rule the game. Melee is poor at DPS since they have to move constantly and most AP champs are focused on burst and lack consistent DPS. The DPS a marksman brings is important both for teamfights and objectives.

As for why normal play follows this, its because the pros do it. In most games, the core meta of professional play will trickle down. Pro play is taken with a grain of salt though. An example is lane swaps or buddy jungling. These are concepts that came in response to the established meta and require coordination and communication to pull off properly. Since solo queue lacks these, the smart player sticks to the established meta. Players that blindly try to copy pro play usually get ridiculed by their team for not understanding the underlying concepts.