League-of-legends – What are the advantages of AoE teams


AoE team compositions seem to disrupt and deal damage more efficiently than teams comprised of champions that provide single-target disables or damage.

What are the actual advantages of AoE team compositions, and perhaps some drawbacks?

Best Answer

I am going to make some assumptions that, both teams are equally high level skilled and make few mistakes.

A high elo team is not going to be stacked up where they are at a disadvantage. Thus reducing some of the AOE abilities.

Non AOE Team Perspective

What if there is a position that makes it favorable to the AOE team? You back up and find a different position.

How can I shutdown the AOE team? Having a tank and off tank may be your answer. They will put pressure on the glass cannons while your DPS is spread out. This will reduce the AOE damage as well.

You may be able to counter an AOE team with, AOE stuns(ammumu, veiger), silences(soraka), disables(lulu,blitz), tanks.

Engage with an AOE stun on the carries and focus them down if at all possible. Use your silences to stop skills from being cast. Use your disables to make the enemy less effective. Your single target DPS should be able to burst down carries when they are stunned.

AOE Team Perspective

If you are an AOE player, such as Vladimir, you probably do not want to ult on one person because that would make it less effective in team fights.

You want them to be stacked up on baron, in bushes, etc.

You do not want to use your ults and AOE abilities on tanks because they aren't your worst threat.


Counter pick to deal with abilities in the late game, but you'll still need a viable team for early game as well.