League-of-legends – What are Zyra’s 3 hidden passives


Similar to how Leona has a hidden passive that reduces her damage to champions that have sunglasses, Zyra apparently has three hidden passives according to one of her designers (CertainlyT).

What are Zyra's hidden passives?


Has no one found any of her three hidden passives yet?

Best Answer

There's a thread about this on the official forums now. Here's what they say:

  • Zyra gains 1 hp/5 seconds when she is near a friendly Leona. Photosynthesis!
  • Yorick's ghouls will only target plants if they're in range instead of targeting champions (different from their minion targeting behavior). Plants vs Zombies!
  • Maokai gains 1 movespeed when he is near Zyra.

See also: this Reddit thread.