League-of-legends – What effects will reduce the scuttle’s defenses


I know that things like stun will cause the scuttle to take -50 armor and magic resist which makes a huge difference.

But what types of skills will do this, particularly border cases. Like stuns do, but what about roots, silences, slows etc. Or repositions like vayne's condemn, janna's ult or even ryze's ult? Cass's grounding? etc.

Best Answer

Hard CC will activate the Scuttle Crab's resistance reductions. Hard CC is everything that is

  • A Stun (Leona's Q)
  • Suspension, aka Knockup (Janna's Q)
  • A Displacive Knockup (Lee Sin's R)
  • Charmed (Ahri's E)
  • Feared (Fiddlesticks' Q)
  • Taunted (Rammus' E)

Resistance reductions will also work, such as Wukong's Q, or Black Cleaver.