League-of-legends – What position is best for Kha’zix? Mid, Top or Jungle (Preseason)


I'd like to main Kha'zix but I'm not sure which position I should play him to use his skill-set most effectively.

Best Answer

Kha'Zix is definitely best as a jungler. He is still a very common ban at high ELO, but this is because he is so strong in the jungle. He isn't banned for fear of lane Kha'Zix.

His debuff that lets him do additional damage to separated targets allows for very strong counter jungling. You can sneak into their jungle and easily kill the other jungler and get out pretty often. Also, it is great for ganks because often the enemy will run away from minions to get back to their turret so they aren't stuck facing a 2v1. This also gives a good opportunity to jump on them with the increased damage bonus.

As a mid, he simply can't take advantage of his debuff because the lane is so small. He is good at roaming though and so taking him mid is definitely a good secondary role for him.

As a top, he just will get outperformed by most tops because they are typically tankier and can survive through more extended trades which happen more often in the longer top lane.

TL;DR; Jungle is by far his best role hands down.