League-of-legends – What runes can I use to maximize Tristana’s early game


I'm playing Tristana and in addition to my W (jump) and E (DoT), I want AD runes to rule like hell on start.

I've tried:

  1. Armor Penetration Marks and Quints, scaling HP/lvl Seals (yellow), and scaling ManaRegen/lvl Glyphs (blue)
  2. Crit Marks and Quints, scaling HP/lvl Seals (yellow), and scaling ManaRegen/lvl Glyphs (blue)

Best Answer

For early Game your best bet would be:

Red: Armor Pen

Yellow: Flat Armor

Blue: (Your choice, I normally base this one depending on who I am against, Magic Resist, Attack Speed, Attack Damage, Cooldown Reduction or Mana Regen are all good choices.)

Quints: Attack Damage or Armor Pen (I prefer damage, I find you get enough armor pen with your masteries and reds to be able to use quints as extra damage source, if you are having trouble with armor or they are stacking armor just buy an armor pen item in late game.)

That will give you a good rounded opening with the ability to be very aggressive (because of your armor) if you find your opponent leaving themselves open or if they over extend.