League-of-legends – When are assassins useful


In what ways can the assassins be useful, and what is their job in a team fight and the entirety of the game?

Best Answer

An assassin is typically a chamion with high mobility and burst potential, but limited sustained damage. Generally, they counter the ad/ap carries quite significantly, as they can move around them quite quickly and burst them down.

During the laning phase the assassins are typically in either the top or mid lane, depending on who they enemy picks. During this phase it's a good idea to harass the enemy as much as possible using your burst/movement speed to your advantage to win trades. Romaing to help other lanes is usually a good idea as well, just as long as you dont leave your lane for too long to do it.

During mid-late game, your job is to kill the carries quickly. Focus on the squishy targets, using your mobility to get around any CC.