League-of-legends – When is the best time to take down a tower if you’re winning in your lane


When is the best time to take down a tower in your lane if you're winning the lane?

Best Answer

Short answer is if you are winning your lane (like killing the other champion several times), take the tower when your minions manage to destroy it on their own.

Reason: You want the laning phase to last as long as possible since you are winning the lane, your advantage of your lane versus their lane is only going to continue to snowball to an advantage for your team.

Guideline: Varies for different lanes, but I would say don't take the turret before you reach level 11. By this time, you have the second level of your ultimate and can make a bigger impact on the rest of the game. Generally if your team is ahead or even, taking the outermost tower is a certainty to occur. I might make an exception for mid-lane as that middle tower gives so much control over the map and you can really start controlling their jungle to make up for if they freeze the lane and try to deny you.