League-of-legends – When is it an appropriate time to gank a lane as a jungler


In a sense we shouldn't always make laning dependent on the Jungler, however, in what situation and what lane should a Jungler prepare to gank?

Situation? Example: If the enemy is pressuring a lane to allied tower, however your allies are low health; or bottom lane is having a bit of trouble but enemy top is out of position.

Best Answer

In general, ganking is most opportune when the enemy is over-extended in a lane, so you can more easily get a kill. If you run around trying to gank, but don't landing any kills, you'll quickly get underfed and have a hard time throughout the game.

If a lane is struggling, you can have them let the enemy push to set you up for a better gank. If it's too easy for them to get away from you, then your gank is pretty much useless. That being said, in early levels, if you can get the enemy to burn summoner spells, that can be considered a success.