League-of-legends – When to use a totem ward and when to use a control ward


When should I use a control ward instead of my usual totem ward? I don't buy control wards because they cost 75 gold and I can just use the 2 totem wards that the game already gives you, but people encourage you to buy control wards. So when should I use either one of them?

Best Answer

The totem ward will give your team vision, but a control ward will give your team vision and it will deny the other team vision.

Denying the other team vision is really important when setting up for objectives (Baron, Dragon) or when pressuring different lanes. If you're sitting in the top river, and the other team doesn't have it warded, the threat of giving away Baron itself can be enough to earn your team kills. Then, you can use that momentum to do Baron safely, or push down a lane knowing that you have a numbers advantage.

If you're deciding on which ward to use, you should ask yourself whether you want to deny enemy vision in an area. Control wards are so strong that you're only allowed to use one at any given time. Foregoing them entirely is a mistake, in my opinion. 75 gold is incredibly cheap to deny vision over critical areas of the map.

Good luck on The Rift!