League-of-legends – Which augment item is the most useful to Viktor? Augment of death or gravity


I have been playing Viktor lately in League of Legends and I was wondering which augment item was the best to make Viktor a strong force in the team. I have been using the Augment of Death but people have been telling me to to use Augment of Gravity but I'm not sure which would be more useful. Any thoughts?

Best Answer

The question depends on what you want your role to be... or, if you're getting stomped in lane, what role you can be ;-)

Death obviously grants you a ton more damage by giving you the DoT (Damage over Time) effect. In fact (from League Of Legends wikia):

Magic Damage: 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+0.7 per ability power) Total Damage With Augment: 91 / 150 / 208 / 267 / 325 (+0.91 per ability power)

That's... a big deal. Especially for an AoE ability.

However, it does leave Gravity Field a little weak because of how vulnerable you have to make yourself to cast it into a teamfight. Moreover, Augment Gravity doesn't just make Gravity Field stronger:

Gravity Field has an additional 30% cast range. The item now grants him +3 ability power per level, +200 mana, +10% cooldown reduction and +5 mana regeneration per 5 seconds

Now that we know the benefits... Which one is better?

If your team is relying on you to dish out a ton of magic damage, for instance if you have a tankier team or an AD-heavy team (forcing the opponents to build armor to cope), then you almost have to get Augment Death. Viktor's entire damage kit was balanced around that idea. If you don't, you'll be hamstringing your role.

However, if your team lacks a lot of CC; has an initiate that brings the enemy team into a tight formation (Shen taunts, Orianna ults (because you have two AP? I don't know); your team has a lot of gap-closers (Irelia, Xin Zhao, Jarvan, etc.); or if you're just behind and need to be helpful in a different way, you want to get Augment Gravity.

TL;DR: Augment Death lets you crank out the damage, but your team utility will be low. If your team needs the additional utility, or you're too far behind to do meaningful damage, Augment Gravity.