League-of-legends – Which Aura Items Can Be Stacked


There are certain items in-game that you can stack, like WotA for example. What other items can also be stacked? Curious, because I've mistakenly bought Aegis when somebody else had…

Best Answer

Aegis of the Legion can stack like Will of the Ancients does. The way WotA stacks is it'll stack only between the people who have the items, so people around you won't get double the spell vamp. Only the two people will have the double aura.

This is also the same with Aegis of the Legion. So if Amumu had an Aegis he would get the aura. If Galio also had an Aegis, Amumu would get the bonus from Galio's aura and Galio would get the bonus from Amumu's aura, even though they both already have Aegis. However, the Malzahar who didn't buy an Aegis would not have both the auras.