League-of-legends – Why can role icons be obtained by champions who shouldn’t play a certain role


What I mean by the question: in order to get all six Teambuilder icons you have to play each role for five times. At the moment I have three of them and I'm about to collect them all.

But one thing is bothering me. If I, for example, need the Marksman icon but I don't want to play the marksman role I can just pick Gnar for top lane and select that my role is Marksman even though I am not playing one.

So basically it's possible to get the Marksman icon by selecting the Marksman role, while Gnar isn't a Marksman at all and shouldn't be played like that. Why is that so?

Best Answer

Your question is a bit off-topic as it asks for Game Design, but we can give possible scenarios.

I suppose that if we don't have each role for each champion, the system replacing it would be a set list of roles depending on the champion.

Look at champions like Master Yi, he always was an AD assassin, then suddenly an AP build rose and it became so powerful that it was removed from the game a season later, who would expect that ? So, imagine if you had only a set list of roles for each champion, Riot would have to spend way too much time (therefore money) to keep it updated as Meta is evolving fast and as players discover new things (sometimes unexpected by the developers) when new patches come out.

A totally different reason that is true since the beginning of this game is that some people like to play champions the "non-usual" way, whether it is for fun, or to try new things (ex: AD Ahri, full AP Amumu, etc.). So, if one day you want to play an AD carry Xerath to have fun, you can ! It is present in his rolelist with the actual system.

In conclusion, it just gives more freedom to players, and easier access to icons.