League-of-legends – Why did I lose the Crest (Ribbon)? Am I being punished


I recently played a whole bunch of games on ARAM where you have to play a random champion. I am not the best at figuring champions out in 10 minutes but I barely did any worse than anyone else and even did awesome comparing to anyone else when I got a champion I was familiar with.

The fact is that after playing there I lost my ribbon. I still have all my honors.
I did dodge one game because I thought something was happening but that is the first game i dodged in my life so i don't think that is the reason why I lost my badge.

Any idea what has happened?

Best Answer

The "honors" you see in your profile are the number of times you've been honored, not the amount of honor you have. Each time you're honored, you gain a quantity of honor depending on who honored you. If someone rarely hands out honor, its "worth" more than someone who honors each and every time he plays a game. There is no way to know your exact honor value, they keep that number secret on purpose.

As stated in the Honor System FAQ, honor can decay over time, and this may cause your Crests (ribbons) to disappear. Crests are not permanent by design, you have to constantly keep playing and receive honor from your fellow players to keep a Crest.