League-of-legends – Why Pro Junglers often buy SightStone


I know that sightstone is good on Lee Sin. It provides some good mobility for him and extra vision control.

But when watching Pro Jungler streamers or youtubers I sometimes see cases of them buying SightStone on Vi, Nunu, Elise even Jarvan.

I know that "Wards Win Games" and I believe in that, but is it worth it at all?

Best Answer

The jungler has the ability to place wards all over the map. While warding the map is the job of every player, the jungler and supporter usually do more warding than the other roles.

High elo games usually have a lot more wards than mid-low elo ones. Everyone buys wards but the jungler has the advantage of not having to farm in lane which allows for offensive and defensive vision control without losing too much farm. Also the sightstone provides some extra HP which is useful on every jungler.