Make Wheatley (The Ap-Sap) talk all the time


I just bought the Ap-Sap from I love it dearly. However, Wheatley stops talking whenever I put him away (I am aware this is intended). Is there any way I can make him talk all the time?

Best Answer

No. The only time you'll trigger Wheatley's voice lines when you switch to another weapon are:

  • Sapper is attached to a building initially
  • Sapper is in the middle of sapping a building
  • Sapper has destroyed a building

If you really, really, really want him to continue talking, all you need to do is bind Previous Weapon and Next Weapon to your mouse wheel key, then just scroll through your loadout as a spy, allowing you have to Wheatley constantly spamming "Hello & Goodbye!" and "Okay.".