Mass-effect – change the Galactic Readiness in the game by editing the configuration


Is it possible to increase Galactic effectiveness in Mass Effect 3 by editing the coalesced.bin? If it is, how can I do this?

Best Answer

Not directly, but you can in fact edit the value of earned resources to be worth 10k etc.

Grab the Coalesced.bin editor here -

bioui - sfxgame - sfxgawassetshandler - allassets

Pick something you haven't unlocked and go to the Type=GAWAssetType_Military items; set StartingStrength to a large number like 5000 or whatever.

All you really need is 10k, since 5k is the max needed and readiness can't dip below 50%. Just so you know, I haven't done this myself but know others have. I'm on the 360 and it's pretty trivial to get 5 to 6k.