Mass-effect – Does Galactic Readiness earned from the Datapad app decay


Galactic Readiness earned during multiplayer apparently decays at 3% per day. Does the readiness earned using the Mass Effect 3 Datapad app also decay? I haven't noticed any decay in the 3 days I've been using it, but the decay might be very small or take longer to kick in.

Best Answer

Galactic Readiness decays proportionally to the speed at which it was earned.

Readiness earned while in the ME3 Datapad iOS app is accrued slowly - fractions of a percentage per hour (depending on upgrades) and will expire at even smaller fractions of a percentage per hour.

Contrast this with readiness earned during multiplayer missions which can be accrued at several percentage points in a matter of minutes and will therefore expire at a much higher rate.

I believe this accounts for the different experiences of Galactic Readiness decay: hardcore multiplayer gamers will report a loss of 6% daily whereas those who play multiplayer little to none and rely on iOS apps to boost readiness will lose 3% or even 1% daily.