Mass-effect – Does filling your reputation bar with paragon prevent you from filling it with renegade


If I have played through the game and done a good job of responding to all the opportunities to gain reputation and paragon points then my bar will probably be fairly full and I might have 2 or 3 tick mark levels of Paragon points.

Let's assume that when I play through again in new game+ I want to try the renegade path. My reputation is transferred from the last play through, does this mean I will still have a full Paragon bar? If so, will I be restricted from filling my renegade bar somehow or will I encounter more "+reputation" opportunities to that I could have both the P&R bars full simultaneously?

Best Answer

Yes your bar will update accordingly.

It's because even though it's hidden, you actually have points (like 100 paragon points etc.) and the bar is just the ratio of Paragon:Renegade:Neutral (the neutral part doesn't appear on the bar, just increases its size).

So you might end a game with 1000 paragon points and 100 renegade points.

Starting a new game plus will keep those scores. If you then finish the game gaining 1000 renegade and 100 paragon, you'll have 1100 of each and be split perfectly.