Mass-effect – Will I get another chance to punch that reporter


I was multitasking while doing my first run through the Citadel when I came upon Khalisah al-Jilani. I fully expected some sort of conflict with her, and caught the first Renegade interrupt. However, I immediately took my hand off my mouse and started working on my other computer, and didn't make it in time for the second Renegade interrupt.

I'm ashamed to say that a reporter knocked me on my rear. I'm dying for some revenge (okay, technically she was just getting revenge on me, since I decked her good in both Mass Effect 1 and 2).

Will there be another chance to show her how much of a fan I am? Or did I blow my chance until Mass Effect 4?

Best Answer

You will not have another opportunity to knock her around in this playthrough, no. If you skip the Renegade interrupt, you may be able to make her a war asset with a Paragon interrupt, during the same conversation.