Minecraft – Alternative to Bukkit’s world-edit


I play on a minecraft server. The admin likes a plugin that uses /sp. I aksed him to install world edit, so he did. He then uninstalled it when he realised that it overwrote /sp. So I'm looking for a good alternative to world-edit.

Best Answer

Well, as it turns out, /sp is just an alias for /superpickaxe. You could easily change this to anything else. Just open the WorldEdit.jar with any ZIP unarchiver and edit the plugin.yml file that's inside. It's a large file, so just do a Ctrl-F and search for 'superpickaxe' to find what you're looking for. It should look like this:

    description: Select super pickaxe mode
    usage: /<command> 
    aliases: ['pickaxe', 'sp']

See the line that says aliases: ['pickaxe', 'sp']? Just remove the 'sp' and replace it with whatever you want. That should fix the issues. Then just rearchive the JAR and run the server.