Minecraft ArmorStand Teleportation


So I'm using SethBling's armorstand posing help and I'm trying to teleport an invisible stand to an already set stand but I'm having troubles understanding how the teleports work. I know the commands but I don't know how to control which way the stand will move, can anyone help?

Best Answer

The easiest way to move one entity to another is this syntax of /tp:

/tp <Target Selector> <Destination Selector>

This teleports the target entity/entities to the destination entity/entities.

For example, for your situation, to teleport the ArmorStand within 1 block of you to an ArmorStand at least 1 block away from you:

/tp @e[type=ArmorStand,r=1] @e[type=ArmorStand,rm=1]

You can also use /tp with either absolute or relative coordinates, like this:

/tp <Target Selector> <x> <y> <z>

For example, to teleport the nearest ArmorStand to x=0, y=64, z=10 you could do:

/tp @e[type=ArmorStand,c=1] 0 64 10

Or to teleport an ArmorStand called "Decoration" up 2 blocks and to the north one block, you could do:

/tp @e[type=ArmorStand,name=Decoration] ~ ~2 ~-1 

Note that a ~ before a number means the coordinate is relative to the entity's current position. e.i. moving 2 blocks upwards rather than to the absolute value of y=2.

Selecting and moving entities around is fairly easy, but requires some basic knowledge of different command parts. You could use these wiki links to learn more about: