Minecraft – Can quarry borders overlap in buildcraft


Can I lay down a quarry which shares a frame border with another quarry, or will it get stuck trying to make the frame?

Best Answer

Sharing frames is perfectly fine, as you can see by these three operational overlapping quarries:

Working wuarries

Note, however, that stacking quarries, like the two on the left, makes one quarry ineffective. This is because quarries mine in the same pattern, so the second quarry is constantly trying to catch up with the first, not mine new blocks.

Only frames blocks themselves may overlap, tho. If the blocks don't line up, they will get stuck, as you suggest:

Non-working quarries

Here are two pairs of non-functioning quarries. Even tho neither is trying to place frame blocks in the mining area of the other, they get stuck because the are trying to place frame blocks in the frame area of the other.

Lastly, just for completeness, quarries cannot place frame blocks in the mining area of each other either:

More non-working quarries