Minecraft – Chunks load extremely slow with CPU usage at almost 90% most of the time


Often when I want to play survival singleplayer in Minecraft, I can't. This is due to chunks taking ages to load whenever I move to a new area of my map, leading me to regularly hit the esc button to help load the chunks faster. After being tired of this regular behavior of chunk loading, I decided to open up task manager to see how my computer was performing. Now, RAM isn't an issue, but when ever I load new chunks, the CPU usages goes up to almost 90%. Once it even got up to 93%! Is there anything I can do to diagnose the problem?

I'm running windows 7, Minecraft 1.7.10, with a view distance of 7.

Best Answer

Do the following steps and it should improve your performance.

  1. Update/Reinstall Java - Delete your current version and do a fresh install of the latest version.

  2. Assign as much Ram as your computer can muster - the more ram that minecraft has to work with the better it will perform, and the less dependant it is on your other hardware. - i go overboard and have assigned 14gb to each of my MC versions. but i have found that 2gb is perfect for vanilla and 4-6 is fine for ftb to have good performance with far view distance.

  3. Try reinstalling MC - Backup all your saves and reinstall your .minecraft folder.

  4. As an added measure install optifine - the installer is easy to use now for minecraft & doesn't require forge - this should help boost performance a little bit further.

Me personally i would do all the steps above (maybe not optifine depending on whether the others worked) this is quite a big issue to have and without the system specs and java version i have to give a more generalised answer. If this doesn't work i would say that your system can't handle the game on that view distance and you need to lower it.

Let me know if you need more info or if this doesn't work and I can talk you through a more complicated way of improving performance.