Minecraft – Command Block always activates Comparator


I am trying to do something with command blocks. I have it test for a player at a certain position. I have set up a hopper clock that activates a command block with

/testfor @a[x=-611,y=80,z=714]

For some reason, no matter where i stand, the command block will always produce a redstone signal. Even though when I check the "last output" it says that the player can't be found.

I think I figured it out, the redstone comparator is picking up a signal from the block like its a regular block, but I do not know how to fix this.

Screenshots (open in new tab to enlarge):


Best Answer

When using coordinates, you need to specify a radius so that it knows how far to search from that specific point. Try changing your command to:

/testfor @a[x=-611,y=80,z=714,r=1]

You can also compact it down into:

/testfor @a[-611,80,714,1]

I believe that the reason is that without a radius the selector makes no sense, so it is simply ignored and tests for @a.