Minecraft – Ender Dragon characteristics


How far can the Ender Dragon see? Does it try and stay close to the re-charge towers (Ender Crystals)?

I am trying find out if I can build a Endermen EXP farm in the End while the dragon is still alive?

I have made a walk way to ~500 blocks away from the main landmass. The dragon doesn't seem to follow me that far out, and doesn't seem to come out to get me, but can I assume this will always be the case?

Best Answer

If you go far enough from the island, the health bar for the dragon will disappear. It is safe to build at that place. See for example this video at 08:30.

Once all players are outside a 320x320 square centered on the dragon, the server will stop updating the dragon entity (time stops for the dragon). Otherwise, the dragon can go practically anywhere in The End.