Minecraft Groupmanager permissions not working


I am trying to do away with OP on my server. To achieve this I am trying to use permissions with Group Manager (from essentials).

I have an issue where I am trying to restrict only the ban, op, deop, stop, reload, whitelist and certain group manager commands.

I have deoped myself and removed my username from the config files and added myself to the Admin group but I could still op myself and gain access to the rest of the commands.

Here is my globalgroups.yml file:

# These groups only contain permission nodes.
# **** You can NOT add anything other than permission nodes ****
# **** This is NOT where you set up the groups which you give to users! ****
# **** goto groupmanager/worlds/worldname/groups.yml if you want to set the actual groups! ****
# These collections are to be inherited in your different worlds groups.yml's
# They can also be added as one of a users subgroups, but NOT as a primary group.
# These collections are available to ALL group and user yml's.
# Add to and customize these groups to fit your needs.

    - groupmamager.notify.self
    - multiverse.access.*
    - multiverse.portal.access.*
    - essentials.signs.use.*
    - essentials.help
    - essentials.helpop
    - essentials.list
    - essentials.motd
    - essentials.rules
    - bukkit.command.help
    - essentials.me
    - essentials.jail.allow.help
    - essentials.jail.allow.helpop
    - essentials.jail.allow.rules
    - essentials.tpaccept
    - essentials.tpdeny
    - essentials.worth
    - essentials.balance
    - essentials.afk.auto
    - essentials.sethome.bed

    - groupmanager.notify.self
    - groupmanager.listgroups
    - groupmanager.manwhois
    - groupmanager.notify.other
    - multiverse.portal.access.*
    - multiverse.access.*
    - multiverse.core.confirm
    - multiverse.core.info
    - multiverse.core.list.environments
    - multiverse.core.list.who
    - multiverse.core.list.worlds
    - bukkit.command.plugins
    - bukkit.command.say
    - bukkit.command.tell
    - bukkit.command.whitelist.list
    - essentials.signs.use.*
    - essentials.signs.create.disposal
    - essentials.help
    - essentials.helpop
    - essentials.list
    - essentials.motd
    - essentials.rules
    - bukkit.command.help
    - essentials.mail
    - essentials.mail.send
    - essentials.me
    - essentials.msg
    - essentials.msg.color
    - essentials.msg.format
    - essentials.nick
    - essentials.pay
    - essentials.ping
    - essentials.nick.color
    - essentials.nick.others
    - essentials.realname
    - essentials.top
    - essentials.whois
    - essentials.workbench
    - essentials.tpaccept
    - essentials.tpdeny
    - essentials.tpa
    - treeassist.destroy.*
    - treeassist.replant
    - treeassist.toggle
    - essentials.balance
    - essentials.sell
    - essentials.worth
    - essentials.afk.auto
    - essentials.afk.kickexempt
    - essentials.chat.color
    - essentials.sethome.bed

    - '*'
    - -essentials.unban
    - -essentials.unbanip
    - -essentials.banip
    - -essentials.tempban
    - -essentials.ban
    - -bukkit.command.reload
    - -bukkit.command.ban.player
    - -bukkit.command.unban.player
    - -bukkit.command.unban.ip
    - -bukkit.command.ban.ip
    - -bukkit.command.op.*
    - -bukkit.command.stop
    - -bukkit.command.save.disable
    - -bukkit.command.whitelist.enable
    - -bukkit.command.whitelist.disable
    - -bukkit.command.whitelist.add
    - -bukkit.command.whitelist.remove
    - -groupmanager.mantogglevalidate
    - -groupmanager.mantogglesave
    - -groupmanager.mangaddv
    - -groupmanager.mangdelv
    - -groupmanager.mangaddp
    - -groupmanager.mangdelp
    - -groupmanager.mangdeli
    - -groupmanager.manuaddv
    - -groupmanager.manudelv
    - -groupmanager.manuaddp
    - -groupmanager.manudelp
    - -groupmanager.manuadd
    - -groupmanager.manudel
    - -groupmanager.manuaddsub
    - -groupmanager.manudelsub
    - -groupmanager.manpromote
    - -groupmanager.mandemote

    - '*'

All of my other permissions (per world) pull from the global groups file so I only need to edit the permissions once.

Best Answer

From looking at the wiki, your problem lies in the '*' in the first line of your Admin group.

You can also give the * permission on itself, without giving a plugin, this would cause the group to have access to every command in every plugin.

You're still giving yourself all permissions as an admin, with the use of the '*' character.