Minecraft – How to add a mod to the minecraft world


Quite a while ago, me and a friend wanted to add a lucky block mod to our world. We wanted to make a lucky block bed wars game because we had watched a few videos using that idea. We were going to build the arena ourselves, so we just needed the lucky block mod. I downloaded a lucky block mod and got a compressed zipper folder with the mod. The instructions are confusing but one thing that is clear is to have a minecraft version higher than the one bedrock has and I am wondering if you can download mods with bedrock. Please help me as it would be amazing to play lucky block bed wars.

Best Answer

First, you must check if the add-on is for bedrock edition. If it is a valid zip, change the extension to .mcaddon. This is a great lucky block add-on: Download Here.If you want to download more, this is the biggest website for add-ons and maps for bedrock: MCPE I hope this helps.

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