Minecraft – How to build a ‘shop’ that trades score for weaponry


I am creating an arena using command block elements to streamline and improve the combat. I am making use of a scoreboard system to track the number of kills per player. I now want to build a command-based "kill shop" in which a player may trade score for more effective weaponry. To do this, I will need to check that the buying player has enough kill points to purchase an item, remove the points, and give the item or items.

How do I go about making sure a player has at least a certain amount of points, and only then removing an exact number from their scoreboard score?

Best Answer

If you are playing on Minecraft version 1.9+, all you need to do is check that they have 32 points:

/scoreboard players test @p objectivename 32 [2000000000] 

Then have a chain command block after it with conditional on with this command in it:

/give @p minecraft:TOOLHERE 0 [amount] 

and the next chain command block with conditional on with this command in it:

/scoreboard players remove @p objectivename 32 
  • The first command block sees that they have 32 kills
  • The second will give them a diamond sword
  • The third will remove 32 kills from that player

so it can be done much simpler