Minecraft: How to give an effect to a certain player standing on a block on multiplayer


Hey I am making a multiplayer map and it includes magical blocks that will give you certain effects for example:

/execute @p[r=10000] ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-1 ~ wool 15 /effect @p invisibility 12 3 true

which gives invisibility when the "nearest" player stands on it. How can I give the effect to the player who stands on it, not just the nearest player to the commandblock giving the command?

Best Answer

The reason it is selecting the closest player to the command block is because you have set the selector to @p, which selects the closest player to the command block to fit the rule...

You're better off selecting everybody who the rule fits to run the command on.

/execute @a[r=10000] ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-1 ~ wool 15 effect @p invisibility 12 3 true

This command executes the /effect command on everybodybody who is within 10,000 blocks of your command block and has a Black Wool block under their feet.

Also, when specifying the command to run, you do not need a second slash.
Secondly, don't forget to run this command in a redstone clock!