Minecraft – Query Server time from Minecraft server


Is there a wayto get the current ingame time from a minecraft server from the web?, does a plugin exist that can do this? Or would I need to create my own?

Minequery sends some basic info, could it be extended to get more?

Best Answer

What you are looking for is Dynmap. We have it on our server to provide multiple features such as:

The current version of Dynmap provides an in-browser map, like Google Maps, of your Minecraft world. It updates the map in realtime while you have your browser opened and shows the current players, regions and in-game messages on top of the map. It also allows viewers of the map to chat from within their browser with players in-game.

This mod does show in game realtime on the server. See here for more more details, download URL, and installation instructions.

enter image description here

Source of screenshot