Minecraft – Redstone torch, repeater, comparator help


I'm trying to make a simple chest shop casino by tutorial on YouTube (link). Everything went well it's really simple but I'm struggling with one thing that is happening to me. Look at screenshots.

At the first image the redstone torch is on, the repeater is powered and I need it to be like in second image where the redstone torch is off and the comparator is powered. How to do that? I made 3 slots so far. First one without problem, second one had the same problem but I don't really know how I solved it and with this one I can't do anything. Any ideas what's wrong? I did everything same.

Redstone torch on

Redstone torch off

Best Answer

Are the two screenshots supposed to be of the same design? If so, it appears as though the top screenshot has the torch, repeater, and comparator 1 block too far from the camera. Move those items 1 block towards the camera, and that might solve your problem.