Minecraft – Second Nether portal links back to original portal location in the Overworld


I built a Nether portal in a village and one near spawn. The portals are about 5k blocks apart from each other. But if I go through to village portal, it takes me back to the main spawn portal instead of creating another one in the nether.

I understand how portal linking works, I calculated the distance, and instead of the portal taking me into the exact same spot in the Overworld that I calculated, it just takes me back to the spawn portal.

This server has no plugins. Would a plugin solve this? Or is there another way I can get this to work?

Best Answer

Sorry if you already tried this with

"I then calculate the distance and stuff"

but copy down the coordinates in notepad. divide the coordinates by 8. if you get a number like 37.75 round-up to 38 if you get like 37.25 round down to 37. Go to those coordinates that you divided by 8 in the nether. Build a nether portal. Should build a new nether portal or link to the existing one in the village.

Hope this help out!