Minecraft – What are effective PvP strategies in Minecraft


PvP is a core element of Minecraft and many servers, and it is also one of the more challenging aspects of the game for the fact that sometimes if you use the right stragety, you can have an upper-hand on someone else who may have a slight advantage over you in items.

This got me to wondering what some of the best strategies for PvP might be in Minecraft! This is assuming you are in a vanilla situation WITHOUT plugins or modifications that would not be found in the game "out of the box", so to speak. I know I have heard of tactics like parrying, but I am not sure what that entails.

What are some of the most effective PvP strategies when battling others in Minecraft?

Best Answer

A few simple tactics:

If you are ambushing somebody, make sure to have a splash poison potion (I or II), as they ignore armour, which can be extraordinarily helpful against opponents with enchanted armour. It does not kill them, though, only brings them to half a heart! This tactic is also useful is you are turning round to face a pursuer.

Enchantments are also an excellent way to defend yourself and increase your attacking potential. A fire aspect enchantment on your sword is a great alternative to a poison potion, but it can be harder to find as it isn't a guarantee that you'll enchant it on the first go. Make sure to also keep up your defensive enchantments, though!

If you are currently in a melee battle, try and circle+jump around your opponent whilst spamming your left click. This is a common tactic though, so expect your opponent to do it as well! The jumping ensures you will get critical hits, which can get you up to 50% extra damage! Try and switch directions often though, as it is easy to counter by simply hitting a bit in front of where you actually are.

It can be a lot easier to kill them with a bow, which negates the danger of the enemy quickly wearing down your health, unless they are a better shot than you. You can shoot them a few times before entering melee combat, as they will enter with slightly diminished health. If you have a fire aspect enchantment on your bow, then they will enter slowly burning to death. It is also a great way to finish off a fleeing enemy.

If you're on the defensive, remember to block/parry! You simply hold right click facing an enemy, and the attacks only do half damage. This does not decrease durability on the sword.