Minecraft – What would be the best solution to import map on 1.8


Will all know that 1.8 is released and I'm sure lots of us are wondering, what will happen with our maps on this update. With the rivers, tunnels, new biomes, etc… old chunck might broke with the new ones making the map kinda odds.

So what could be the best solution to move to 1.8 without having the reset the map and lose all structures that players have made.

I was thinking to make a region from the whole village and save it with World Edit but I dunno if it's a good idea..

What will you guys do in my place ?

Best Answer

Unfortunately since the level generation algorithm has changed, using the same seed as before will generate a completely different map in its place. There are new biomes, their sizes are different, and the land features are different too. Since my friend and I have structures we would like to save, we're faced with the same problem you are.

It is nearly impossible to get a world that will match your existing one, and if your structures are like ours, it depends heavily on the land it was built on. Maybe you can paste in a whole island at once or something, but even then the biomes won't match (if you care about appropriate weather in the area you built it).

This is admittedly an opinion here, but my advice would be to start fresh; turn a new page. The Adventure Update is for exploring! Go have fun with the new features, and save your maps elsewhere for nostalgia. The update supports old maps, so you can always go back to see them and build upon them.