Minecraft – Why can’t I destroy blocks


After placing a stone pressure plate next to my door (which is also right next to my bed), I went to sleep one night.

When I woke up, I could only see a dark brown/red colour. I saved, exited and then re-entered the world. I discovered I was stuck in my bed or something. I could go backwards and forwards, (by about one block) but then stopped. There was also a wall behind me, which was why I couldn't go back, but in front there was nothing.

I tried destroying my bed, but nothing happened. I put down TNT to blow up me and myself, hoping I would respawn without this glitch. But I got no results, it was still there. I am currently in Survival. I definitely know that I didn't go into Adventure mode because I have a pickaxe and it wouldn't be mining anything… What do I do?

Best Answer

This is an old bug. All you have to do is restart minecraft to get unstuck. Make some more room around your bed before you go back to sleep the next time.

If that doesn't work, please provide more info about your minecraft installation (version and any mods installed).

Possible duplicate of: I am glitching in a bed in Minecraft multiplayer 1.7.2