Ny way to check the enethe’s firing range or Overwatch range


I am pretty early into the game and got one of the council missions for rescuing a VIP. While escorting him back to the ship, an Alien appeared out of nowhere and took position in Overwatch mode with no cover between the Alien and the VIP. I wasn't sure whether the VIP was in firing range of the alien, took a chance to move him to better cover and got shot down.

While in this case, the Alien wasn't too far away from the VIP, it was far enough that I was debating that he might be out of range. Is there any way to check the range or other in-game cues to go by to determine the range of the Alien?

Best Answer

Overwatch reacts to anything moving in the unit's line of sight.

Alien sight range is the same as yours. If you can see them, they can see you (unless you have elevation).