Pocohud and Hoxhud Compatibility


I currently have HoxHud, and find it very useful, but I recently I have seen some players reporting useful messages in the chat such as health replenishment and warnings of 3 downs. I would like to get Pocohud for that feature of reporting things into the chat but prefer the HoxHud GUI and features such as not having to hold down F to interact with pagers or lock picking. I was wondering if their was a way to install both mods, but keep the HoxHud GUI and core features, and also have the Pocohud chat feature. Also I should mention that I do not currently have Pocohud installed, only HoxHud.

Best Answer

They should work fine installed alongside each other. PocoHud won't disable HoxHud's features. Since you already have HoxHud, just download PocoHud, and follow the instructions in installation.txt to install it. From installation.txt: "You should see a folder named 'poco' inside the 'PAYDAY 2' game folder. If you intend to use HoxHud simultaneously, always keep HH's DLLs."

To configure PocoHud, press backspace in-game. Go to PocoHud Options ยป Chat to configure PocoHud's chat options. The rest of PocoHud's features can be disabled in its options.