Pokemon-go – Are Pokemon from eggs better in any way


Will a pokemon that I have evolved have higher CP/CP CAP than one of the same pokemon that I have found in the wild? Will a pokemon from an egg have higher CP/CP CAP than one in the wild?

Best Answer

According to this post on /r/TheSilphRoad by /u/Shaeress, Pokemon hatched by eggs tend to have improved IVs. This means that they will usually have a higher CP cap than Pokemon caught naturally.

/u/transphenomenal plotted the data, in this comment. The following is a roughly normally-distributed graph for naturally caught Pokemon, where 100 indicates a perfect IV Pokemon, with the highest possible CP cap, and 0 indicates a perfectly bad IV Pokemon, with the lowest possible CP cap.

Caught Pokemon IVs

This graph shows Pokemon hatched from eggs:

Hatched Pokemon IVs