Pokemon-go – better to have? A pokemon with higher IV but lower CP or vice versa


Me and my friends have encountered this situation many times.
We need to decide which Pokemon to evolve.
Take the following scenario:

  • Growlithe A: 20% more CP than Growlithe B. (898 instead of 743).
  • Growlithe B: 26% more IV than Growlithe A. (87 instead of 69 in this case).

I didn't give more details about each Pokemon because I'd like a general answer that others can use.

Thank you kind folks!

P.S this is not a duplicate, since I understand what a higher IV interprets into.

Yes, a higher IV will define the MAX CP, but it's not the only thing to consider. A higher IV also means better chance of better moves for the evolved pokemon – and those are much more important than a high CP. Also consider that I have many Arcanines and I don't have the stardust to max them out (that is a different question).

Best Answer

Growlithe B is likely the one you want to evolve. IV remains fixed when you evolve and IV limits the potential of the Pokemon. As long as you continue to get stardust and Growlithe candy, B will ultimately have higher CP.

Note that moves are assigned randomly at evolution, so you shouldn't consider current moves.