Pokemon-go – Are there skills other than attack type in Pokemon Go


Does pokemon go have non-attack skills?

I am new to pokemon series, but from what I learned looking at the pokedex different pokemon should have skills, such as heals, temporary immunity to damage, buff/debuff etc.

I looked through my Pokemon at this point and I do have a few skills that SHOULD have side-effects such as debuffs at very least (for instance "Confusion" and other Psychic abilities). Even so, looking at the damage (being same as "normal" attacks), I don't think it's likely.

I was wondering of if any of those non-damage skills are in game?
If it has been announced, will there be any in the future?

I am thinking the massive amount of pokemon to choose from might still end up producing REALLY shallow combat if direct attacks is all there is to it.

Just to clarify, I am wondering about non-direct-damage skills and effects. For instance: Paralysis, Confusion, Speedup, Attack/Defense reduction, etc.

Best Answer

Not that I'm aware of. I have spammed moves that should cause speed lowering (mud bomb/mud shot) confusion (psybeam), paralysis, it never happened. Another thing to notice is that the "pokemon go database" doesn't even mention such things:confusion-the move, not the effect- for example, says nothing about the associated effect. Or that moves that rely heavily on such effects such as confuse ray, dynamic punch are not even in the game.

I have lvl 17 in pokemon go and fought quite alot with of those moves on my top pokemon.

I'd say it's safe to assume there's no such thing.

Even Magikarp's splash is just a damage spam move xD