Pokemon-go – Can a ‘chance to catch’ percentage be calculated with the color of the circle


It is known that the color of the circle represents if the pokemon is currently hard or easy to catch.

But can that color be converted to a cold, hard number?

Like if it's all the way green, is it always, let's say, a 90% catch rate. And when it's all the way red, 1%?

PS because of the tought that this is a duplicate of Does CP determine the aggressiveness of a wild Pokemon?

  1. Not talking about the aggressiveness of the Pokemon. I'm talking about catch rate. If I would be to throw and touch with 100 PokeBalls to that pokemon, how many would break open and how many would catch.
  2. This Question has also no relation to CP. I already noticed that the CP has no effect on the color of the circle. I've seen some very low CP (20-40 CP) pokemon with a red circle before. For those wondering, I would say evolved forms have usually harder catchrates compared for the same CP.
  3. The question is basically is there a constant between the color of the cicle and the catch rate of the pokemon. Like I said before, would a green circle pokemon always stay in 90 pokeballs out of 100, and would a red circle pokemon stay in only 5 pokeballs out of 100. Looking for probabilities here.

Best Answer

There is a correlation between the circle color and the catch rate of the Pokemon. No specific numbers are known, but a user has calculated approximate percentages for color thresholds in this post on the Silph Road reddit:

The colors seem to work like this: if the capture rate (remember the formula from the beginning) is less than ≈ 65% the color is yellow. I wasn’t able to test the exact boundaries but my tests showed that around 65 was when the circle turned yellow. Likewise, at ≈ 35% the circle would turn orange. I only encountered a red circle once and the % was 21% so I wasn’t able to even get an approximate value there and I’m not going to assume anything for that with only 1 value in my data set.

This is more of an aside, but based on the information in this post, the circle color is directly related to level, in addition to species.