Pokemon-go – What are all the factors which affect escape chance


According to the question "What are all the factors which affect catch chance?" I would like to know what influences a Pokémon to escape.

Example: I do not know if this is a subjective cognition, but I think that Abra has a much higher escape rate than other Pokémon (the same like in the Pokemon Series).



  • Seen: 13 Times
  • Caught: Only 7 Times ( where 3 are from eggs)

So the bilance would be 10-4 without eggs, what would be a catch rate of less than 50% (no statistical significance of course).

What are other factors except the Pokémon itself?

Best Answer

Like lois6b pointed out the chance to run off is determined by the Pokémon species. The chance to actually capture it is different, though.

If you hit it with a ball you have a specified chance to capture it:
BaseCaptureRate: 0.4 (*) - modified by these

This will determine the chance to actually capture it.

If it gets out you get another dice roll:
BaseFleeRate: 0.99 (*) - modified by level (based on experience)

This determines the chance of the Pokémon to run away. So Abra has a 1% chance to stay.

The only exception is a soft ban: This will override the BaseCaptureRatewith 0 and the BaseFleeRate with 1. So every Pokémon runs off with no chance to capture it.

(*) = Based on Abra