Ps3 – Do I need to re-earn all the trophies to earn the platinum trophy from a new save game


I played Borderlands GOTY for quite some time and I was really close to the platinum trophy; I only needed to reach level 50. But then the tragedy came and I lost my PS3 due to an electric shock and of course, all my saved games with it.

I was able to buy a new PS3, and start playing all over again. My question is, can I simply reach level 50 to obtain the platinum trophy, or do I have to obtain (or at least simulate obtaining) the rest of the trophies in order to gain the platinum?

Best Answer

No, you do not need to earn all the trophies in a single play-through to earn the platinum trophy. As long as you've earned all the other (non-DLC) trophies on your account, you will earn the platinum trophy.