Ps3 – How will trophies work if I play Borderlands 2 on PS Vita after playing it on the PS3


Let's say that I have earned 100% of the trophies in Borderlands 2 on the PS3. If I were to play the PS Vita version, would it register as a new game on my PSN, therefore allowing me to earn all the trophies again? Or rather, would it stack on top of my existing trophies?

And in the same line of question: Would it be possible to transfer the save files of my game from the PS3 to the PS Vita? That is, if thy use the same file format.


Best Answer

Transferring the save game can be done with a recent update to the PS3 version.

For the trophies there are two separate lists, but if you transfer a save from the PS3 which has acquired trophies it will unlock them on the Vita, and vice versa. So, you can go through unlocking them all again if you want to, or you can transfer a save from your old game to unlock ones you've already acquired.