Ps3 – way to use an iPhone as bluetooth headphones for a PS3


The Sony Playstation 3 provides support for a Bluetooth headset so you can sit and relax on your sofa without having wires from the TV, etc.

The iPhone smart phone is Bluetooth-enabled.

Is there an app, or some other method available to allow the iPhone to act like a Bluetooth headset, thereby transmitting the sounds from the game to the iPhone (and then through the iPhone headphones into my ears)?

I found this forum thread ( from 2004 saying "No", but no real evidence as to why; plus it's a bit old now and not related to PS3. Is the answer really no? If so, why?

Best Answer

Doesn't look like it, the "Headset Profile" is required for a device to act as a headset (the situation your describing).

According to Apple Support, the iPhone does not support this profile.