PS4 – Access to Online Features While System Software: Version 4.55 is Downloading


I woke up to find that version 4.55 had come out. From a source I have been told that it “improves the quality of the system performance.” So that was all fine, as the update was only 340 MB not much to worry about and then I realized that I had access to online features. This had never happened to me before, and what I would like to know is:

  • Is my PS4 in danger?

  • Is this a fault of Sony or a glitch, or was it meant to happen?

  • Is anyone else getting this behaviour ?

    I had additional questions but I forgot. I will update the question with an edit if I remember.

Best Answer

As stated in a comment, you recently set your profile in your PS4 as the primary profile. According to, some features don't work if you don't have a primary profile defined.

Make sure your profile is set as the primary profile for the console. If it is not activated as the primary updates won't download, cloud saves won't upload automatically, etc.

In addition, like FFHannibal mentioned in a comment, the PS4 does not allow you to go online with outdated firmware. Why you were able to use the online features this time is unclear.